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Solidarity action 

Our solidarity initiative, orchestrated from Geneva, Switzerland, aims to mobilize financial and material resources to support individuals affected by the devastating fallout from the recent earthquake in the Marrakech-Al Haouz region of Morocco.


Officially launched on Thursday, September 28, 2023 by the President of IOPDHR-GENEVA-NGO, this solidarity action was greeted with enthusiasm. Madame Duihi underlined the objectives of our action and expressed her gratitude to all partner NGOs and participants for their presence and commitment.


A dedicated and committed group within the NGO ensured the success of this action, contributing to its positive impact on the community.

During this solidarity action, various activities were carried out in the run-up to the collection, requiring meticulous organization to mobilize suitable partners and collection sites. First of all, we enlisted the help of the Geneva interfaith platform, with the support of Mr LEVRACK and Ms SUMI, who contacted places of worship and the Maison Internationale des Associations in Geneva directly to obtain collection premises


Three establishments generously offered their premises: the Basilique Notre Dame de Genève, the Fondation Culturelle Islamique de Genève and the Maison Internationale des Associations de Genève.  We then finalized the design and distribution of a flyer sent by e-mail to all partner NGOs and collection point managers, as well as a printed version for wider distribution.

Meetings were held with collection point managers to finalize logistical details. These preparatory efforts ensured the success of our solidarity action, demonstrating the importance of coordination and community involvement in times of crisis.

What's more, in order to document and share the achievements of our solidarity action, we plan to create a summary booklet available in both paper and electronic formats. This booklet will be used to inform our partners about the results achieved and provide essential information to the press for better media coverage of our initiative. We believe in transparency and open communication in our approach to solidarity, and this booklet will be a valuable tool for sharing our impact and commitment to the communities affected.

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