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Civil and political rights

The                                                                                                                          , in force since March 1976, guarantees fundamental freedoms such as the right to life, and the prohibition of torture, slavery and forced labour. This second United Nations Covenant is overseen by the Human Rights Committee and offers the possibility of lodging a complaint in the event of violation of these civil and political rights. The International Observatory for Peace, Democracy and Human Rights (IOPDHR) supports individuals in this process, and ensures that everyone has access to the UN's advocacy and representation mechanisms.


Although the abolition of the death penalty has become mandatory in most countries, many extrajudicial executions continue to be carried out today. The right to protection of individuals against interference by States and independent military forces must be given a central place in the deliberations of international bodies.


IOPDHR is committed to promoting and protecting the civil and political rights of individuals throughout the world. In collaboration with victims and human rights defenders, the organisation works to highlight violations of these rights, while ensuring that victims have access to fair procedures and redress mechanisms. The aim is to ensure that the rights recognised by the International Covenant are respected and defended, while holding those responsible for violations to account.


The IOPDHR stresses the importance of putting an end to extrajudicial executions, abolishing the death penalty once and for all, and guaranteeing the protection of individuals against all forms of abuse by state or military authorities. Through awareness-raising campaigns, advocacy and legal support, IOPDHR actively contributes to the promotion of justice, dignity and fundamental rights for all, without distinction.


In summary, the International Organisation for the Promotion and Defence of Human Rights (IOPDHR) works tirelessly to ensure the realisation of the civil and political rights set out in the International Covenant. By ensuring access to justice and highlighting the need to protect individuals against the abuse of power, IOPDHR strives to create an environment where the rights of every individual are respected and preserved, thus helping to build a fairer and more equitable world.


Economic, social and cultural rights encompass a set of essential rights such as the right to adequate food, decent housing, education, health, social security, participation in cultural life, access to water and sanitation, and work. In accordance with the International Covenant, these rights are interdependent and must be respected in their entirety.


IOPDHR condemns all forms of violations of these rights, and is committed to bringing to light any deviations that may be committed by states or other political organizations. Unfortunately, many deviant practices persist, and IOPDHR fights in particular against the forced eviction of people from their homes, the lack of guarantees of a minimum wage sufficient for a decent life, the denial of access to information and services related to sexual and reproductive health, and the refusal of institutions to provide access to education for people with disabilities.



IOPDHR is committed to promoting and protecting these essential rights by working with victims, human rights defenders and partner organizations. Through awareness-raising campaigns, advocacy and concrete actions, the organization aims to create an environment where every individual has the opportunity to fully enjoy their economic, social and cultural rights, thus contributing to the construction of a more just, equitable and inclusive society.

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